Is-sewwieqa mill-ID jew l-isem tal-apparat

Apparati Magħruf:165022367

L-aħħar magħrufa xufier: 23.12.2020


Wireless Router Asus RT-AC66U Review

Till recent past routers supporting 802.11n standards have been supposed as the most up-dated and powerful ones. However, nowadays this segment is outliving certain upgrade and a few manufacturers start integrating a new, more advanced standard – 802.11ac. One may wonder why developing one more standard if 802.11n is able to manage current video at high speeds. Still, the design of a more progressive item signifies more promising features. Asus RT-AC66U belongs to a new generation of routers exactly due to the support of 802.11ac.


Asus RT-AC66U is housed in a black dull casing made of plastic. It is equipped with three external antennas which are intended to provide for a perfect sensitivity and high signal level. The manufacturer has taken care of router's comprehensive utilization, enabling both, vertical and horizontal, way of placement; there is also possibility to fix the item on the wall.

One of the characteristics pertained to this model is its …

Apacer to Release DDR3 Memory Modules of Armor Series

About a month ago Apacer Technology announced the release of new DDR3 memory modules to replenish Armor series. Codenamed Apacer Armor DDR3, these modules are chiefly targeting overclockers and inveterate gamers who long for the high-speed performance in various environments. Good news for all Apacer's customers is that the release of these outstanding products is scheduled for the mid January, 2013.

Modules Armor DDR3 consist of heatsinks which resemble 'armor', while the series itself is represented by the items of various colors, including red, yellow, blue, and black versions. This way the customer will be able to select the most suitable module to correspond to the overall chassis and motherboard color gamma. The heatsinks feature quite typical dimensions and this automatically eliminates all problems connected with the installation of voluminous CPU coolers.

The implemented printed circuit board is given black coverage in combination with eye-catching yellow, blue …

The Debut of Cooler Master MasterLiquid Pro 140 and 280 CPU Liquid-Cooling Systems

This year the Cooler Master company has released a series of original MasterLiquid Pro liquid-cooling systems for Intel and AMD CPUs. The models with 120 mm and 240 mm heat sinks were the first to be released. Now it’s the turn of MasterLiquid Pro 140 and 280 devices, using the liquid-cooling systems heat sinks of the suitable size.

These novelties with a “one-piece” and “two-piece” heat sinks have much in common, though they differ in heat spreader dimensions (171 × 138 × 27 mm and 311 × 138 × 27 mm), as well as in the location of the 140 mm fans pair. MasterLiquid Pro 140 has them mounted on both sides of the heat dissipator and MasterLiquid Pro 280 — on the one side only.

Coolers consist of the big water unit with the inbuilt pump, pipes made out of fluorated ethylene-propylene copolymer in braided cable, the aluminum heat sink and fans with a high static pressure rate (up to 3.15 mm H2O).

The water unit base is manufactured out of copper. Inside of …
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USB\VID_0AC8&PID_303B\5&9 EC53F0&0&1

fil tiegħu database tas-sewwieqa.

Kienu inti jippruvaw isibu-sewwieq USB\VID_0AC8&PID_303B\5&9EC53F0&0&1 iżda fittex ma tingħata l-riżultat mixtieq? Ma disperazzjoni, dan jista'jseħħ għal diversi raġunijiet. Biex isolvu l-kwistjoni, tipprova twettaq il-passi li ġejjin:

  1. Iċċekkja l-ortografija ta'l-apparat tal-IDENTITÀ.
  2. Jippruvaw jibdlu mistoqsija tfittxija tiegħek jew fittex mill-apparat tal-isem (neħħi l-SUBSYS u REV-valuri).
  3. Niżżel DevID Aġent awtomatiċi tax-xandir.

Inti tista'wkoll titlob għall-għajnuna biex isibu-sewwieq USB\VID_0AC8&PID_303B\5&9EC53F0&0&1 fil-grupp tagħna fl-netwerk soċjali VKontakte.

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